Standard Publishing Deal:
The songwriter is signed exclusively to a publisher for a time period, and is given an advance check against future royalties (the amount of which is negotiated & depends on the writer’s bargaining power). The publishing company then co-owns any songs you write during this period, takes care of the administration & exploitation of the catalog, and is entitled to the publisher’s share of the royalties.

Co-Publishing Deal:
The songwriter and the publisher are co-owners of any songs written during the contract period. The songwriter collects the 50% writers share, and as “co-publisher”, splits the publisher share 50/50 with the publisher. In the end, the writer receives 75% of the income, and the publisher receives 25%.

Administration Deal:
The songwriter licenses a selection of their self-published songs to an outside publisher (or independent administrator) for a time period. For a fee of 10-20%, the publisher is responsible for handling the administration on behalf of the songwriter. In this deal, the writer retains 100% of the copyright.
Single Song Agreement
The writer grants publishing rights for one or more pre-existing songs to a music publisher.
Music Placement Deal
A team pitches their client‘s music for TV, film, and advertisement sync opportunities. They have no ownership stake, and collect a fee for the placements they secure.
Sub-Publishing Deal
An administration deal for one or more foreign territories
Collection agreement
Similar to an administration deal, the collection agent only handles royalties and isn’t responsible for exploiting the copyrights.
Purchase agreement
When one music publisher acquires the catalog of another publisher (whole or partial).
Participation Deal
An entity shares in the income without any of the publishing ownership.
Step Deal
Standard publishing deal that “steps“ into a co-publishing deal if and when the writer is signed to a record deal.
Additional info:
- Publishing Deals: An Overview (via Bart Day Law)
- The Songwriter and Music Publisher Relationship (via Royalty Exchange)